We are often asked for recommendations for books to read before and after our courses. Here are some of our favorites.
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Top Recommendations:
The Insider’s Guide To High Performance Presentations
This book, written by Geoff Marsh, covers both face-to-face and virtual presentations. It is packed with practical tips and techniques for both experienced presenters and those new to delivering a presentation.
Beyond Selling by Dan S Bagley
This is a great book for anyone wishing to improve their relationship selling skills. It is heavily NLP-based but it applies NLP techniques in a highly practical way. Highly recommended.
Getting To Yes by Fisher, Ury and Patton
One of the most influential books on negotiating skills ever. Developed as part of the Harvard Negotiating Project of the 70s this book has stood the test of time and still provides the foundation for much of the work on negotiations since.
An Optimists Tour Of The Future by Mark Stevenson
By it’s very nature, this book will go out of date fast but it is an extremely thought-provoking book about the future of us all. Mark Stevenson covers subjects as diverse as farming, artificial intelligence, population, global warming and 3D printing. He alerts us to some of the most incredible work being done by scientists around the world and reassures us that the future may not be as bad as we fear.